Main Content

Looking for my latest blog - it's here

I'm a (volunteer) councillor for the South Ward on Melksham Town Council
I am not affiliated to any party or grouping, but work in partnership.

I was elected in May 2021, for a four year term. I am sticking, after the election, to what I said before.
Environment ... Equality ... Openness
You can still find that at my campaign website at

Graham Ellis - diary index

Links in this page:
Introduction to Graham Ellis
Campaigning for Melksham
How does Melksham Council spend your money?
(Back to top of page)
Some other pages on this site:

Graham Ellis - blog and • blog index
Graham Ellis - background and • views
Philosophies of working as a town councillor
The Role of the Town Council and Councillors
How YOU can help and • Contact me
Links to other web sites and • pictures

New to Melksham or perhaps newly retired?

posted on 16th October 2024

25th October 2024 - Melksham Transport User Group

posted on 14th October 2024

Town Council - an extra £120,000 for staff after all

posted on 10th October 2024

Blue Pool - old pictures

posted on 9th October 2024

Neighbourhood Plan - adopted unanimously by Town Council

posted on 8th October 2024

Blue Pool, Canberra, Staff Budget, financial regulations

posted on 1st October 2024

Council - tonight - Indoor venue future

posted on 30th September 2024

Assembly Hall, Blue Pool, Canberra Community Park - decisions next Monday

posted on 24th September 2024

Report on HIGH PRIORITY, MTC projects

posted on 23rd September 2024

Update on some Melksham projects

posted on 14th September 2024

A350 Subway, Legal public art wall?

posted on 13th September 2024

Melksham - Housing and Public Transport Development

posted on 10th September 2024

Asking us for money? Please show up!

posted on 7th September 2024

Melksham Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

posted on 5th September 2024

What is TravelWatch?

posted on 4th September 2024

Public Transport Melksham - Risk and Opportunity

posted on 3rd September 2024

Wonderful outdoor and indoor venues

posted on 2nd September 2024

Splashpad - my final duty

posted on 29th August 2024

Enjoyable meeting

posted on 28th August 2024

Introduction - South West England

posted on 25th August 2024

Site updates

posted on 24th August 2024

"Restore Your Railways" cancelled – thoughts

posted on 22nd August 2024

FULL Melksham Town Council - meeting report

posted on 20th August 2024

Looking forward - public and sustainable transport

posted on 18th August 2024

Sunday bus - much improved service

posted on 14th August 2024

Park update and progress

posted on 12th August 2024

Answering on Facebook - not always possible

posted on 5th August 2024

Should Melksham welcome Labour's expanded housing?

posted on 2nd August 2024

Rail Nationalisation - is it the solution?

posted on 1st August 2024

Walking and Cycling Infrastructure - consultation

posted on 31st July 2024

Road Closures and seeking Events Officer

posted on 30th July 2024

Sorting out the trains - what problems?

posted on 29th July 2024

My meeting attendance - record and plan

posted on 27th July 2024

Travel without a car - Better for me

posted on 26th July 2024

Dog Poo and CCTV

posted on 23rd July 2024

"What is happening on ..." project list

posted on 22nd July 2024

Looking forward past the next year

posted on 20th July 2024

A new personal Facebook profile

posted on 17th July 2024

Melksham Carnival - review

posted on 14th July 2024

Small Grant awards - Melksham Town Council

posted on 9th July 2024

General Election - Melksham and Devizes

posted on 6th July 2024

Government manifesto and members

posted on 5th July 2024

General Election - transport policies and my vote

posted on 28th June 2024

Placing my vote - a chance to listen

posted on 21st June 2024

Yes, your comments count!

posted on 20th June 2024

Choosing who to vote for as MP

posted on 17th June 2024

Quiet as a mouse

posted on 14th June 2024

Climate and Parlimentary Candidates

posted on 6th June 2024

Planning application - fell tree

posted on 4th June 2024

Train travel - save money by split ticketing

posted on 3rd June 2024

"Happy to Chat" - revisited / progress

posted on 2nd June 2024

Melksham Town Council - strategy and vision

posted on 29th May 2024

Public Transport - Melksham vision and working towards it

posted on 27th May 2024

Melksham and Devizes - constituency and candidates

posted on 23rd May 2024

Mayor, deputy and committees for 2024/25

posted on 21st May 2024

Visioning Melksham - next 1, 5, 15 years

posted on 19th May 2024

BBC on small museums

posted on 18th May 2024

Melksham Town Council - what should we be doing?

posted on 14th May 2024

Melksham Station - re-opening anniversary

posted on 13th May 2024

Melksham Vision - on a walk into Town

posted on 10th May 2024

News from and a taste of Melksham Town Council

posted on 30th April 2024

22.5.2024 - Looking ahead with TransWilts

posted on 27th April 2024

Can I park here? Can I drop something off?

posted on 26th April 2024

Principles of being a good councillor

posted on 24th April 2024

Sustainable Energy in Melksham

posted on 21st April 2024

Avon memories - three structures to cherish

posted on 17th April 2024

Remembering Dad who would have been 100 today

posted on 10th April 2024

Who should the Town Council help with a grant?

posted on 8th April 2024

Giving voice to the public

posted on 6th April 2024

Revisiting "Melksham South Ward" Group

posted on 4th April 2024

An end to the Town Council soliciting public input?

posted on 3rd April 2024

Painting the town pink.

posted on 1st April 2024

Melksham Town Council Play Areas

posted on 29th March 2024

Re-hi - and an introduction for new readers

posted on 27th March 2024

Annual Town Meeting - happening in Melksham

posted on 26th March 2024

Four years on from Covid - Assembly Hall

posted on 23rd March 2024

A full Town Councillor diary for next week

posted on 16th March 2024

Melksham Train Service - summer and later in 2024

posted on 15th March 2024

Melksham Councillor - but answering from somewhere else

posted on 11th March 2024

The Subway (under the A350)

posted on 10th March 2024

Councillor vacancy - who and how to choose

posted on 8th March 2024

Assembly Hall update and new program

posted on 2nd March 2024

Desert Island answers

posted on 1st March 2024

Planning the next 15 years for Melksham

posted on 29th February 2024

From around Europe

posted on 25th February 2024

On the situation at Melksham Town Council

posted on 24th February 2024

On holiday, or no?

posted on 22nd February 2024

Is the environment important to Melksham Town Council?

posted on 19th February 2024

How do / should I work the council system?

posted on 18th February 2024

UK Health and Safety, comparison with the Czech Republic

posted on 17th February 2024

Melksham Town Council - on Projects

posted on 16th February 2024

Berlin - a lesson in man's inhumanity to man

posted on 14th February 2024

Guests from Ukraine in the UK - looking ahead

posted on 9th February 2024

Environmental issues - the future

posted on 8th February 2024

Splash Pad - Opening days and hours for 2024

posted on 7th February 2024

Connected Wards and Parishes

posted on 5th February 2024

Assembly Hall Melksham, Thursday 8th February 2024

posted on 3rd February 2024

Where people travel by train from Melksham

posted on 2nd February 2024

Thank you, Melksham News - my budget vote

posted on 31st January 2024

LWCIP - Local Walking and Cycling Infrastucture Plan

posted on 30th January 2024

Behind the scenes - Assembly Hall and Blue Pool

posted on 29th January 2024

What's Happening in Melksham?

posted on 25th January 2024

Bristol Airport - Melksham by bus

posted on 24th January 2024

Melksham Town Council - precept for 2024/25

posted on 23rd January 2024

Popular shows support the Assembly Hall

posted on 21st January 2024

Assembly Hall - my Forbidden Nights experience

posted on 20th January 2024

Renewing Victorian Pipework

posted on 19th January 2024

Can YOU help?

posted on 17th January 2024

Draft Budget 2024/5

posted on 16th January 2024

Ongoing Town Council projects

posted on 15th January 2024

Homes for Ukraine - 2 years on

posted on 13th January 2024

Dogs off lead in KGV park, Melksham

posted on 11th January 2024

Learning while travelling

posted on 10th January 2024

Enough to pedestrianise?

posted on 9th January 2024

More Ward metrics

posted on 7th January 2024

Ward metrics - digging in the census

posted on 4th January 2024

Facebook Group - Melksham South Ward

posted on 2nd January 2024

Car Parking at Melksham Campus from 8.1.24

posted on 1st January 2024

Ideas for 2023 awards

posted on 31st December 2023

Looking ahead to 2024

posted on 30th December 2023

Who's who into 2024, Melksham Town Council

posted on 29th December 2023

Car parking consultation - my response

posted on 28th December 2023

By-election - choosing who to vote for

posted on 27th December 2023

Future - Meditteranean Climate changing Melksham

posted on 23rd December 2023

Thank you to our 2023 team, Welcome to team for 2024

posted on 21st December 2023

Assembly Hall - Quiz

posted on 15th December 2023

Environment and Climate Working Group - Celebrating a year of progress

posted on 14th December 2023

Homes for guests - rewarding and update

posted on 13th December 2023

Candidates announced - Melksham South by-election

posted on 11th December 2023

TransWilts Community Rail - 10 years on

posted on 8th December 2023

TransWilts Community Rail - What now?

posted on 7th December 2023

Updates on MTC projects

posted on 5th December 2023

CONSULTATION - Walking and Cycling routes in Melksham

posted on 4th December 2023

THANK YOU - Christmas light event

posted on 3rd December 2023

Travelling home before Christmas

posted on 2nd December 2023

Welcome to December 2023

posted on 1st December 2023

I am still free to speak

posted on 28th November 2023

Assembly Hall - Friends' offer of support

posted on 27th November 2023

By-election, South Ward

posted on 26th November 2023

Will Town Council staff be allowed to share in future?

posted on 25th November 2023

Council Agenda - what may interest YOU

posted on 22nd November 2023

Rail service - meeting with GWR

posted on 20th November 2023

Faresaver - Whippet to Bath, x31 and 272

posted on 19th November 2023

Melksham needs appropiate "Siftware"

posted on 18th November 2023

Blue Pool and Assembly Hall - what YOU want

posted on 16th November 2023

News Briefs - what's happening where?

posted on 15th November 2023

What should your Town Council do next year?

posted on 13th November 2023

JMNPII - Any questions - please ask me

posted on 12th November 2023

Blue Pool & Assembly Hall - Looking Ahead

posted on 8th November 2023

Town Council Answers, 5.11.2023

posted on 6th November 2023

Open Consultations - YOUR inputs requested

posted on 5th November 2023

Councillor Vacancy in South Ward

posted on 4th November 2023

Questions to Melksham Town Council for 30.10.23

posted on 30th October 2023

People like us - Unite to Survive

posted on 29th October 2023

Environment Working Group - MTC

posted on 26th October 2023

Who do I contacts about ...

posted on 25th October 2023

Public Transport - Melksham - October 2023

posted on 22nd October 2023

Seeking comment on the JMNPII Framework itself

posted on 21st October 2023

Cooper Tires and the Neighbourhod Plan

posted on 19th October 2023

Neighbourhood Plan - open for consultation

posted on 15th October 2023

Draft Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan II

posted on 11th October 2023

Lighting in KGV Park

posted on 10th October 2023

In planning, for land south of Melksham Town

posted on 9th October 2023

Planning - for everything and anything

posted on 8th October 2023

HS2 phase 2 cancellation - effect on Melksham

posted on 7th October 2023

Planning - should we have looked across the road?

posted on 4th October 2023

How does planning work?

posted on 1st October 2023

Planning - big consultation week

posted on 30th September 2023

My "Update Needed" list and comment on council structure

posted on 29th September 2023

Splash Pad - my last shift

posted on 28th September 2023

Millenium Post. Where are we going?

posted on 27th September 2023

Full Council highlights, 25.9.2023

posted on 26th September 2023

350 pages and I feel ill informed!

posted on 25th September 2023

Melksham Town - some statistics

posted on 22nd September 2023

Can a private citizen make a difference?

posted on 21st September 2023

Decision on Blue Pool to be taken behind closed doors next Monday?

posted on 20th September 2023

Which councillors actually attend meetings? - Subbing

posted on 18th September 2023

Yes - you can!

posted on 17th September 2023

Rail Conference - and looking ahead for Melksham Trains

posted on 14th September 2023

Lost meeting and Campus Parking

posted on 13th September 2023

ClimateFest - Thank You and where we are

posted on 10th September 2023

YES, we have Air Conditioning!

posted on 8th September 2023

SplashPad - extended September Hours

posted on 5th September 2023

Thank you - helpers at Food and River Festival

posted on 4th September 2023

Autumn - Trains and Assembly Hall programs

posted on 3rd September 2023

Come along, listen, ask, learn

posted on 2nd September 2023

Campus Parking - to be free for three hours

posted on 27th August 2023

Melksham Free Dining - Fundraiser

posted on 26th August 2023

Assembly Hall - next six weeks

posted on 25th August 2023

ClimateFest, Melksham, 9th September 2023

posted on 23rd August 2023

Email Policy and Conditions

posted on 22nd August 2023

Repair the roof? Council Objectives?

posted on 17th August 2023

Communication Guidelines - Vital we get them right

posted on 16th August 2023

Why has the fix price gone up so much?

posted on 15th August 2023

Transport Hub - could Melksham learn from this?

posted on 13th August 2023

Two rapid decisions afoot on Thursday?

posted on 12th August 2023

Splashpad - busiest day ever!

posted on 11th August 2023

Lighting in the park

posted on 10th August 2023

Learning for Melksham

posted on 9th August 2023

Assets and Amenities update

posted on 6th August 2023

New Bristol Station - relevance to Melksham

posted on 1st August 2023

Council Accounts

posted on 31st July 2023

Day trips by train from Melksham this summer

posted on 30th July 2023

A cry for the environment

posted on 29th July 2023

What can I do? What will it cost me?

posted on 26th July 2023

A hard decision to be made

posted on 25th July 2023

Blue Pool. Seeking "left field" ideas.

posted on 24th July 2023

Blue Pool. Should the town look to purchase?

posted on 23rd July 2023

Learning about our photoVoltaic panels

posted on 22nd July 2023

Who would be a parish councillor?

posted on 21st July 2023

Transport Focus - and Melksham train tickets

posted on 20th July 2023

A long and techincal one

posted on 19th July 2023

Electronic communication policies - time to reflect

posted on 18th July 2023

Blue Pool and Assembly Hall

posted on 17th July 2023

Sneaking in a policy that stifles sharing?

posted on 15th July 2023

BBC "Any Questions" in Melksham

posted on 13th July 2023

CouncilSpeak - Abbreviations

posted on 12th July 2023

Soundbites - about me

posted on 11th July 2023

Closure of Railway Station Ticket offices - consultation and implications

posted on 10th July 2023

Q and A - KGV and some others

posted on 9th July 2023

Out of the box ideas

posted on 8th July 2023

IOU - Blue Pool and Assembly Hall update

posted on 7th July 2023

Say "Hello" at the Splashpad

posted on 6th July 2023

Wiltshire draft local plan for Melksham

posted on 3rd July 2023

How green are our walkways?

posted on 2nd July 2023

Project Assembly Hall and Blue Pool

posted on 1st July 2023

Council questions and payment procedures

posted on 29th June 2023

At the Splashpad this summer

posted on 28th June 2023

Full Council - meeting notes

posted on 27th June 2023

Wiltshire bus passenger headlines, 26.6.2023

posted on 26th June 2023

Melksham Assembly Hall - July to September programme

posted on 25th June 2023

Seeing rocket science nearby - buses to stations and information about them

posted on 24th June 2023

Who's got me bike?

posted on 21st June 2023

Wiltshire Bus Consultation

posted on 20th June 2023

Melksham House - background and concerns

posted on 19th June 2023

Election - Melksham East

posted on 18th June 2023

Attracting visitors - an example

posted on 17th June 2023

Buses - Melksham way forward

posted on 13th June 2023

Out and about, learning

posted on 12th June 2023

Splash Pad and Park - open for summer

posted on 10th June 2023

Open to public input - not there yet, but getting there

posted on 7th June 2023

Blue Pool, Allotments, Lighting, Museum, EcoLoo, Shambles, Assembly Hall

posted on 6th June 2023

Town Centre Cluster - Looking forward

posted on 3rd June 2023

Which articles are you reading?

posted on 2nd June 2023

Wiltshire Rail Station Progress

posted on 1st June 2023

At council next week

posted on 31st May 2023

Celebration - late train back

posted on 29th May 2023

Comment and feedback - lifeblood

posted on 28th May 2023

Trip report - Weymouth

posted on 27th May 2023

Arranging facilities for Melksham

posted on 25th May 2023

Questions to Council

posted on 23rd May 2023

Assembly Hall - rates unchanged

posted on 22nd May 2023

Why has the station planter gone?

posted on 20th May 2023

Assembly Hall hire rates 2023/24

posted on 19th May 2023

Melksham Town Council - who's who

posted on 18th May 2023

Melksham House - for SEND

posted on 17th May 2023

Headline look ahead

posted on 16th May 2023

Stepping back from chairing

posted on 15th May 2023

38 years ago today, Melksham Station reopened

posted on 13th May 2023

What it's like to be Independent

posted on 11th May 2023

Minutes and resolution - proposed Melksham House purchase

posted on 9th May 2023

Bank Holiday thoughts

posted on 8th May 2023

Coronation of King Charles III

posted on 6th May 2023

Wiltshire Council - Homes for Ukraine Policy

posted on 5th May 2023

State of the Nation Council

posted on 2nd May 2023

Council Diary - May 2023

posted on 1st May 2023

Bigger Trade Shows

posted on 29th April 2023

Coaches, Melksham

posted on 27th April 2023

New Town Councillors?

posted on 26th April 2023

Melksham House - Important Questions

posted on 25th April 2023

My "important" and "action" Melksham survey - RESULTS

posted on 24th April 2023

Melksham Councillor Changes

posted on 23rd April 2023

Melksham's trains - then, now, future

posted on 18th April 2023

High Pavements

posted on 17th April 2023

Major Planning Applications

posted on 16th April 2023

Millenium Mosiac

posted on 14th April 2023

Park (KGV) update

posted on 12th April 2023

How to reach me

posted on 11th April 2023

What's Important to YOU?

posted on 9th April 2023

Thinking forward

posted on 6th April 2023

MADE for Melksham

posted on 1st April 2023

Appreciating Volunteers

posted on 31st March 2023

Vision needed - Melksham

posted on 30th March 2023

Buy Melksham House?

posted on 29th March 2023

Dominoes, anyone?

posted on 26th March 2023

More tourists for Melksham?

posted on 23rd March 2023

To whom shall I rant?

posted on 21st March 2023

Vision 5, 10, 15 years

posted on 18th March 2023

Cancelled - ECWG meeting

posted on 15th March 2023

Melksham trains - CHANGES from May

posted on 10th March 2023

Carnival and PiP - why not?

posted on 2nd March 2023

Local News, 1.3.2023

posted on 1st March 2023

Environment - 3 years on

posted on 28th February 2023

Town Council - Who tells you?

posted on 27th February 2023

No Party-in-the-Park 2023

posted on 24th February 2023

Away, but still here, for March

posted on 23rd February 2023

A week in the life of ...

posted on 16th February 2023

Offer guests a future

posted on 15th February 2023

Street Cleaning - myWiltshire

posted on 13th February 2023

Vehicle Access to Campus

posted on 12th February 2023

Lovely to meet and listen

posted on 11th February 2023

Cafe in the Park

posted on 10th February 2023

Assembly Hall / Melksham House

posted on 9th February 2023

Town Centre Masterplan - Consultation

posted on 8th February 2023

Splash pad - open or closed on long hot evenings?

posted on 7th February 2023

Proposed updated train service

posted on 3rd February 2023

Consultation and other information

posted on 1st February 2023

Town Precept Unchanged

posted on 31st January 2023

Civic Awards - by 31.1.2023

posted on 30th January 2023

Town Budget - proposed highs and lows

posted on 29th January 2023

Answering social media comments

posted on 28th January 2023

Quiz Night - Melksham - 26.1.2023

posted on 21st January 2023

Lighting in KGV Park

posted on 20th January 2023

Wiltshire Town Populations - 2021 Census

posted on 18th January 2023

Melksham Town Council Tax 2023/24 planning

posted on 14th January 2023

Market Place - please drive safe

posted on 10th January 2023

Melksham Civic Awards - please nominate

posted on 9th January 2023

Vision - Melksham Train Service

posted on 5th January 2023

Looking forward - 2023, Melksham Town

posted on 2nd January 2023

Train and Bus - Melksham, for early 2023

posted on 1st January 2023

What happened in 2022?

posted on 31st December 2022

Melksham Town Council - budget and precept for 2023/4

posted on 19th December 2022

Light Switch on - THANK YOU and comments

posted on 4th December 2022

Melksham Station - passenger numbers and prognosis

posted on 30th November 2022

Security issues in Melksham - lighting and CCTV

posted on 29th November 2022

Learning for Melksham - and notes on the Town Council

posted on 27th November 2022

Taxi - charges and (no) surcharges

posted on 15th November 2022

Electric Car Charging in Melksham

posted on 12th November 2022

Town Centre Masterplan - draft

posted on 11th November 2022

About me as a councillor

posted on 5th November 2022

Planning for next year - Ecomomic Development and Assembly Hall

posted on 2nd November 2022

Learning for Melksham

posted on 31st October 2022

Away and home

posted on 20th October 2022

ClimateFest public transport report

posted on 14th October 2022

Away, recharging batteries

posted on 10th October 2022

Homes for Ukraine / Melksham update

posted on 6th October 2022

New Town Hall hours from 1.11.2022

posted on 5th October 2022

Blue Badge - taxpayer to buy spaces?

posted on 4th October 2022

Democracy in Melksham - watching us live

posted on 3rd October 2022

Transport and the Assembly Hall coming to ClimateFest

posted on 1st October 2022

Melksham Town Council - Grants

posted on 26th September 2022

Area Board Report

posted on 22nd September 2022

Regional Issues - bypassing Melksham?

posted on 20th September 2022

ClimateFest - 2nd October 2022

posted on 19th September 2022

Hire charges - Assembly Hall and Town Hall

posted on 15th September 2022

Electric Bus Demonstration, 17.9.2022

posted on 13th September 2022

Passing of Queen Elizabeth II

posted on 9th September 2022

Melksham and District Link

posted on 4th September 2022

Where should we spend your money next year?

posted on 3rd September 2022

Is there a conflict of interest?
Melksham Town / Wiltshire Unitary

posted on 1st September 2022

Car Parking - Campus, Blue Badge, etc

posted on 30th August 2022

Assembly Hall - looking forward

posted on 29th August 2022

ClimateFest - 17th September 2022

posted on 27th August 2022

Planning for Melksham Town for next year

posted on 26th August 2022

Assembly Hall - new start friends meeting - 25.8.2022

posted on 23rd August 2022

Melksham Campus - resident questions

posted on 22nd August 2022

Melksham bus and car park price changes from 1.9.2022

posted on 20th August 2022

A350 NOT to be national strategic route?

posted on 19th August 2022

Open online democracy and plastic elephants

posted on 18th August 2022

Safari Animals in Melksham

posted on 17th August 2022

What happens in the Market Place?

posted on 16th August 2022

Questions about Melksham Campus

posted on 15th August 2022

Byelaws - KGV Park

posted on 14th August 2022

Sensory Garden and other projects

posted on 13th August 2022

Extrordinary meeting report (1) - 9.8.2022

posted on 10th August 2022

Searching my blog

posted on 9th August 2022

Our Town - 7.8.2022

posted on 8th August 2022

Friends Garden - a quiet oasis

posted on 6th August 2022

How come it's just one standing

posted on 5th August 2022

Planning for our future

posted on 3rd August 2022

AHWG - Terms of Reference

posted on 2nd August 2022

Opening of Melksham Community Campus

posted on 1st August 2022

Assembly Hall Working Group - setup

posted on 31st July 2022

Council Projects - systemic update

posted on 30th July 2022

"Homes for Ukraine" - an update

posted on 29th July 2022

Getting to Melksham Campus by Bus

posted on 28th July 2022

A dozen updates from full council

posted on 26th July 2022

Assembly Hall Working Group

posted on 24th July 2022

Should your Town Council be involved?

posted on 23rd July 2022

Is everyone welcome?

posted on 19th July 2022

Working for the community

posted on 18th July 2022

Collecting a national award for MTUG

posted on 17th July 2022

Peter Blackburn, R.I.P.

posted on 14th July 2022

Please don't overhang

posted on 11th July 2022

Labour Club - demolition - and how planning has worked

posted on 9th July 2022

Behind closed doors?

posted on 7th July 2022

Assembly Hall - looking forward

posted on 4th July 2022

Public owned estate in Melksham

posted on 3rd July 2022

Reasons why progress is slow

posted on 1st July 2022

KGV Park - Status of various projects

posted on 28th June 2022

Area Board - priorities for the next year

posted on 23rd June 2022

Campus opening August - big THANK YOUs

posted on 22nd June 2022

Safeeguarding those around you

posted on 17th June 2022

Planning Applications coming up on Monday

posted on 4th June 2022

Local Heritage Assets

posted on 28th May 2022

2022/23 Town Council Structure

posted on 23rd May 2022

Questions to a Town Councillor

posted on 22nd May 2022

Learning basics - life in Melksham, UK

posted on 20th May 2022

Welcome to the new Mayor, and Committees

posted on 17th May 2022

24 hours - a long time in local politics

posted on 16th May 2022

"Would you stand for Mayor?"

posted on 15th May 2022

Far away, but still learning

posted on 20th April 2022

One year on - Environment

posted on 9th April 2022

Assembly Hall - name and rate change?

posted on 6th April 2022

One year on - Openness

posted on 4th April 2022

One year on - Equality

posted on 3rd April 2022

Linking sponsors in the UK to guests from Ukraine

posted on 2nd April 2022

Annual Parish Meetings

posted on 20th March 2022

Melksham resources on Facebook

posted on 18th March 2022

Trolling may feel good but does not help

posted on 13th March 2022

Who should be Mayor for the next year?

posted on 12th March 2022

Museum for Melksham?

posted on 11th March 2022

A solution looking for a Problem?

posted on 10th March 2022

Ukraine. Welcoming refugees and sending aid

posted on 7th March 2022

Facebook Moderation - Friends of Assembly Hall

posted on 1st March 2022

A Virtual Hub for Melksham

posted on 28th February 2022

PAID Blue Badge parking in Melksham from 1.4.2022 ?!

posted on 27th February 2022

Melksham Town Hall / Ukrainian flag

posted on 26th February 2022

Melksham South Play Areas

posted on 23rd February 2022

Waterloo Live - the Assembly Hall's Waterloo?

posted on 20th February 2022

Bridge to ASDA?

posted on 19th February 2022

Happy to Chat

posted on 13th February 2022

Campus - what to do with other public assets

posted on 26th January 2022

Town precept - how Melksham compares

posted on 1st January 2022

Review of 2021

posted on 24th December 2021

Who do I contact about what - Christmas and the rest of the year too

posted on 23rd December 2021

Work starting on Melksham House

posted on 15th December 2021

Melksham Town Council precept set for 2022/3

posted on 14th December 2021

SOB - State of Our Buses

posted on 12th December 2021

Should Melksham borrow a million?

posted on 10th December 2021

Back in Melksham, but not at tonight's meeting

posted on 29th November 2021

I do not leak

posted on 19th November 2021

Melk039 - letter to resident

posted on 17th November 2021

Melksham Town Council budget 2022/23

posted on 15th November 2021

Campus Pictures - 12.11.21

posted on 13th November 2021

Cycle and public footpaths - Melksham South

posted on 10th November 2021

Train service cuts push people back to driving

posted on 4th November 2021

Branding, dogs and cycles

posted on 27th October 2021

Zoom council meetings

posted on 26th October 2021

How hard can hybrid be?

posted on 23rd October 2021

Save the Train rolls again

posted on 22nd October 2021

Through trains, London to Trowbridge

posted on 13th October 2021

Bus and train working together

posted on 5th October 2021

What is climate change?

posted on 4th October 2021

Climate Strategy (Consultation)

posted on 3rd October 2021


posted on 2nd October 2021

Council help for The Hub?

posted on 29th September 2021

Car Share - the future

posted on 28th September 2021

"Town Council" or "Town Councillor"?

posted on 27th September 2021

FoMAH - changed meeting venue
meeting report

posted on 24th September 2021

Area Board - Summary, 22.9.2021

posted on 23rd September 2021

Neighbourhood Issues

posted on 21st September 2021

Options to get to the station

posted on 20th September 2021

Alternative Path?

posted on 15th September 2021

FoMAH - This Week (13.9.2021)

posted on 13th September 2021

Melksham Transport User Group

posted on 12th September 2021

Staff and role changes at MTC

posted on 11th September 2021

Dog Bark - KGV Park

posted on 10th September 2021

Upcoming Bus Improvements

posted on 8th September 2021

on Personal Electric Vehicles

posted on 7th September 2021

Climate Strategy Consultation

posted on 6th September 2021

First three months - interview

posted on 3rd September 2021

FoMAH (Assembly Hall) Meeting - this evening

posted on 2nd September 2021

Evening without a car

posted on 1st September 2021

Hollybobs and Cafes

posted on 24th August 2021

Welcoming to Melksham

posted on 19th August 2021

Event Spaces - working together

posted on 18th August 2021

Help ME to help THEM help YOU

posted on 17th August 2021

friends of Melksham Assembly Hall

posted on 16th August 2021

Town Hall meeting summary

posted on 10th August 2021

Speeches! Assembly Hall and Bypass

posted on 9th August 2021

Bypass (my response)

posted on 8th August 2021

Bypass (again)

posted on 7th August 2021

Footpath blockage - Alder Way to Conigre Mead

posted on 6th August 2021

Looking forward - Assembly Hall

posted on 5th August 2021

Melksham Assembly Hall

posted on 4th August 2021

Get your Covid vaccination TODAY

posted on 3rd August 2021

Staff announcements

posted on 1st August 2021

Councillor Interaction on Social Media

posted on 31st July 2021

Picture Melksham - MAPG

posted on 24th July 2021

My personal short cuts

posted on 22nd July 2021

Your representative within your community

posted on 21st July 2021

Melksham - Within and Without

posted on 20th July 2021

Burning our waste in Wiltshire

posted on 19th July 2021

Please continue to wear your facemask

posted on 17th July 2021

Online from next Monday
Town Council public meetings

posted on 16th July 2021

Consultation or consultation?
Survey or survey?

posted on 15th July 2021

First two months - a bit about council meetings

posted on 13th July 2021

Melksham Tidy - at Station Volunteering

posted on 4th July 2021

Under 5 mile journey. Why not cycle?

posted on 28th June 2021

Town Visioning Day - initial report

posted on 27th June 2021

Town Visioning Day - upcoming

posted on 26th June 2021

Moving forward - assets and amenities

posted on 22nd June 2021

Melksham Town Council, Environment, Climate

posted on 20th June 2021

Cleveland Bridge, Bath - and what it means for Melksham

posted on 18th June 2021

Road Works - Spa Road - Pedestrian issue

posted on 15th June 2021

Passengers returning to the trains

posted on 14th June 2021

On a bypass for Melksham - view and alternatives

posted on 13th June 2021

New Councillor at Annual Town Meeting

posted on 25th May 2021

Sustainable Transport Briefing - Melksham

posted on 24th May 2021

My roles on Melksham Town Council

posted on 18th May 2021

Strategy and tactics

posted on 16th May 2021

Early days - now a Melksham Town Councillor

posted on 14th May 2021

Graham Ellis - elected to Melksham Town Council
Independent for South Ward

posted on 10th May 2021

Thank you for voting - How I reached you

posted on 8th May 2021

Thank you for voting - results awaited

posted on 7th May 2021

Election Day!

posted on 6th May 2021

Please vote - here are your polling stations

posted on 5th May 2021

Graham Ellis - your candidate revealed

posted on 4th May 2021

Cycling (and signage, safety and security) - Melksham

posted on 3rd May 2021

Melksham Train Service - then, now, future

posted on 2nd May 2021

A Tale of Two Cities Cafes

posted on 1st May 2021

On reaching everyone with my message

posted on 30th April 2021

Recap - why I am standing for Town Council in 2021

posted on 29th April 2021

Writing to inform residents and others

posted on 28th April 2021

Why is a big double decker running up my street?

posted on 27th April 2021

Wiltshire - how each vote works (PCC, Unitary and Town/Parish)

posted on 26th April 2021

Melksham Markets

posted on 25th April 2021

It IS possible to slash private car mileage and still get around!

posted on 24th April 2021

Chamber of Commerce - my record there

posted on 23rd April 2021

Postal votes are arriving - please vote wisely

posted on 22nd April 2021

Voting analysis - Melksham South Ward

posted on 21st April 2021

Improving Bus services - England to Melksham South

posted on 20th April 2021

Promoting Melksham in Reading

posted on 19th April 2021

Melksham Bypass - answering "are you for or against"?

posted on 18th April 2021

On Melksham Bypass and housing growth

posted on 17th April 2021

Town Councillor - job spec and what I can do for you

posted on 16th April 2021

Melksham Public transport - a growing need in the next decade

posted on 15th April 2021

Addressing Issues - School drop offs and pick ups

posted on 14th April 2021

Persistance pays - overcoming political hurdles

posted on 13th April 2021

Melksham, litter picking volunteer

posted on 12th April 2021

Big changes in our streets - electric car charging

posted on 11th April 2021

How does Melksham Town spend your Council Tax?

posted on 10th April 2021

Online answer questions, every 4 days.

posted on 9th April 2021

Making it walkable to the station - saving lifts and driving

posted on 8th April 2021

From 2 empty trains to 9 busy ones. Next, buses!

posted on 7th April 2021

Campaigning in partnership, and with passion, for Melksham

posted on 6th April 2021

Rubbish bins - do we need even more?

posted on 5th April 2021

Melksham Town Centre

posted on 4th April 2021

An Introduction to Graham Ellis

posted on 2nd April 2021

Four in a Bed

posted on 1st April 2021

Restoring old buildings

posted on 31st March 2021

Thank you for voting Graham Ellis onto Melksham Town Council

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