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Graham Ellis - my blog

Car parking consultation - my response

Left - the previous car park rates • Right - the proposed Wiltshire Council rates

I applaud Wiltshire Council's intent to continue to provide car parking at Melksham Station now that the TransWilts CIC has ended its lease on the Cafe and Car Park at Melksham Station. In their official TRO paperwork, Wiltshire Council say:

"The car park has previously been operated by a third party on a lease basis which is due to expire. Wiltshire Council would like to continue with its operation as a Pay and Display car park with the legal Orders to support this. The tariffs are set to encourage use of the train as an alternative method of transport."

My response to the official consultation:

I am concerned that the proposed tariff appears to offer little consideration for people parking at Melksham Station for overnight business and leisure trips, including weekends away. There is a gap in tariffs offered from the "all day" rate (expires midnight?) at £3.60 through to the one month season at £41.50. Please provide a way to enable the use of the train for such trips; I note that your proposal does not offer the £12.50 option of the previous operator. Although you state that you encourage the use of the train as an alternative means of transport, your tariff regime does so only for day trips; for longer trips the lack of longer term parking provision encourages these travellers to drive out of Melksham (perhaps all the way to their destination) rather than take the train.

From Wiltshire Council (should you choose to respond)

See the consultation details here

Closing date for comments
This consultation will close on 2 January 2024. Please send your comments to arrive with us before that date to ensure they are considered.

How can I comment?
Anyone commenting must include their name and address - without this we cannot accept any comments.

Comments on the proposal together with the reasons for which they are made should be sent by post to reach the Traffic Order Team, Sustainable Transport, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN allowing 7 days, by email to or using the response form on the website at to reach the Sustainable Transport Group quoting reference LJB/TRO/MELKos3.
Links in this page:
By-election - choosing who to vote for
Future - Meditteranean Climate changing Melksham
Thank you to our 2023 team, Welcome to team for 2024
Assembly Hall - Quiz
Environment and Climate Working Group - Celebrating a year of progress
Homes for guests - rewarding and update
Candidates announced - Melksham South by-election
TransWilts Community Rail - 10 years on
TransWilts Community Rail - What now?
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Some other pages on this site:

Graham Ellis - blog and • blog index
Graham Ellis - background and • views
Philosophies of working as a town councillor
The Role of the Town Council and Councillors
How YOU can help and • Contact me
Links to other web sites and • pictures
Published Thursday, 28th December 2023

By-election - choosing who to vote for

I've not decided yet who I'll be voting for on 18th January in the parish ward election. From what I know of them, both candidates have a great deal going for them, but then I don't know that much about either of them yet and I look forward to learning more that will help me place my vote wisely in three weeks time. And I look forward further to working alongside, and hopefully in co-operation and tandem, with whomever is selected.

* Does [person] live in the ward and have a personal connection with it, or are they more motivated to get a seat for any ward available, and indeed do they live in Melksham Town? Is their motivation the ward, the town, the area, or the political grouping named in their nomination or their own political career?

* What skills and experience would they bring to the Town Council - in terms of local experience as well as specialisms, and have they already been showing us those facets and how they already and in the future might make use of them - are they going to enter as a team player, a storm to shake things up or "lobby fodder"?

* My own philosophy promotes environmental issues, freely available information and discussion, and equality of treatment of all - in each case looking towards positive quality of life outcomes. But there is some cost in following some of these approaches; how might the candidates align with my views? How trustworthy, responsive, available, consistent, positive for Melksham is the candidate and their team?

* I have found the Town Council to be perhaps the most challenging role of my life, and I don't believe I am alone in that sentiment. And it continues to be challenging. How well placed will the successful candidate be to take on their role and do so effectively to represent and work for the people of Melksham (Town (South)) for the next 18 months. The role is a volunteer (unpaid) one - do they have the time, home support, and finances to allow them to do a thorough job?

No answers here to as to whether Andrew or Gillian gets my vote; much depends on how each of them stacks up against the above criteria, and where they differ it then depends on the relative importance of each of the aspects I have talked about. Two candidates both with some good qualities.

Illustration - two people with only limited information (thus far at least) about either of them

Published Wednesday, 27th December 2023

Future - Meditteranean Climate changing Melksham

Greetings from Fuerteventura. A week ago today, we sailed from Southampton (yeah sure, I'm still online daily) and we visited the Azores and The Canaries. It's a holiday. It also teaches (or reminds) me of the Mediterranean climate and has me wonder if this is what we need to look forward to with global warming.

Our ship - P&O's "Iona" has been pootling along taking multiple days where faster ships take just a day. "Iona is one of the world's first ever LNG-powered cruise ships. LNG stands for liquefied natural gas, which is cooled down until it becomes a liquid. This eco-friendly drive system prevents the emission of sulphur dioxides and soot particles." the blurb tells us. How that effects the carbon footprint, I don't know, but with 5,000 passengers at least it's split between a vast number of us.

So what might we look forward to in the future in Melksham. Here are some pictures.

The warmer and much dryer climate - what will we grow, and how will our indigenous trees survive? Where will our own water come from?

Will we all be sitting out in the pedestrianised street - and will we even see a rise in temperature such that we'll need shades in the street and (horror of horrors) will be be drinking chilled lager rather than 6X, Butcombe, or Guinness.

Tourism grows. We have moved from the man and his luggage to these vast ships. When the canal arrives in Melksham, I do not expect it to be big enough to pass Iona nor us to have enough attractions to absorb the crowds - but we must be looking forward for facilities - for our own residents and for guests from elsewhere in the region.

No answers - just learning and thoughts.

The Environment and Climate Working Group of the Town Council has moved this year from being an occasionally meeting backwater to an effective forum meeting every 3 weeks - ahead of Economic Development and Planning to make best use of officer's time. Many of us with an interest - councillors and none-councillors, including people not on the working group, also get together informally in between, up to once a week.

The Environment was one of my three stated key concerns when elected in 2021 and is good to see it having moved from being a side-issue for most councillors to one that is attracting more attention. As a popular cause, I already see a councillor or two flexing their political muscles to make sure they take credit for environmental activities next year, even if they have been less that helpful so far. The change is good(ish) for the environment. It is also frustrating to those of us who have been building up in 2023 are looking at having to deal with the over-robust inputs of newcomer changelings who want the votes it brings.

Published Saturday, 23rd December 2023

Thank you to our 2023 team, Welcome to team for 2024

Town council and councillor - changing staffing

And so we came to 21st December - and the final day that your Town Council office were open to the public until the New 2024. It has been a year of change - there has been an almost complete (unhealthy) change of staff - compared to last December, I have only been able to work with three of the same full time staff and one of those has now left. We have lost or are loosing multiple part timers; only one of them from 2022 is in our long term plans beyond the Christmas period.

We have lost a number of fabulous members of our team - far too many. Some through natural wastage, for sure, but others because the Town Council has not provided them with an environement in which they could flourish.

A number of excellent new staff have been recruited and are already doing great things for The Town. With our yearly cycle of events ranging from budget to park activities through to Christmas Lights, there is a steep learning curve for them, in addtion to the almost complete initial absence of detailed knoweledge of systems and the rich history of reports and work done in previous years. So excellent and enthusiastic though they are, there is also a learning curve which means that total productivity will only come with time.

The two remaining full time staff we (as councillors) worked with this time last year and are working with over this current festive season are both managers. I would implore them to move us forward in such a way that staff turnover return to more normal levels, with the team able to enjoy delivering well rewarded for the community, without so much time and money spent on arrival and departure procedures and the heartache some of the changes have brought for those involved.

We have lost three good councillors too out of the eight elected on the "Together for Melksham" ticket, and again that is too many. I was not elected on that ticket, but never the less have worked well with all three of those gone as well as with some remaining. Two new councillors have joined us, with a third to be elected next month. I welcome these new councillors, though just as with staffing there are some learning curves, and issues which have moved on from early consultation to final tuning and implementation stage are being knocked back to the potential detriment of the whole project, and certainly at a time cost.

With the Town Hall now closed in person until the New Year, I will be following up with some looks forward and back over coming days, and wish all my readers a happy Christmas and New Year. I AM available online - though away - but clearly with limit to who I can refer to if and as questions arise.

Published Thursday, 21st December 2023

Assembly Hall - Quiz

Yesterday evening was the final Assembly Hall quiz night of the year, and the final one hosted by Kevin who we wish well for his future in the West Country, though he will be around to assiste with bookings and passing on the baton in the new year, assisting Bruce as we move forward into 2024. Massive thanks to Kevin, Bruce and the the rest of the team for what has been achieved at the Assembly Hall in 2023 and has set us up so well for a program starting 2024 - a wide variety of events including a number of anticpated full houses.

"The Team" - too many to mention without leaving someone out - occasional staff (I don't like the word "casual" because they are far from that!), others on the town all team who lend a willing hand, and volunteers - a handful who are there filling regular technical or reception roles (you know who you are!) and others helping from time to time and around the area with things like the leadlet drops from door to door that have made such a huge difference.

Quiz nights continue on the last Thursday of the month (25th) January and we look forward to seeing lots of people there. Doors open 18:30, quiz starts 19:30. Teams of up to 5. If you are NOT in a team come along anyway - the "ad hoc" teams of disprate people always do well, and note that the bar is open and the 21:42 bus will get you home to the Forest or Bowerhill if you've not got a deignated driver.

We're looking forward to a great 2024 at the Assembly Hall ... more to follow. See you there.

Published Friday, 15th December 2023

Environment and Climate Working Group - Celebrating a year of progress

Our environment is so important - the big stuff needs to be done internationally and within that by national governments. But we can take our local steps too, to inform, to lead by example, and encourage the wide layers to create a regulatory environment which helps with the bigger stuff. And in being informed locally and acting on that information, we can help the people around us be environmentally aware, to act in ways that are both climate friendly and cost effective, and can help them inform and persuade others including the movers, the shakers and the decision makers.

The Environment and Climate Working Group of Melksham Town Council has blossomed this year. We have stepped up from being just another working group to being the most active, meeting every three weeks formally AND once or twice between each meeting informally. We have blossomed with the welcome addition of passionate community volunteers and experts.

To my fellow councillors on the working group, and to those marvellous volunteers - THANK YOU. As chair, I am delighted to see everyone pulling together and doing that important work I have described above. I will cover detail, look forward and encourage more to join us next year in a later post. But for today, what a wonderful group, how caring of each other and respectful and happy to discuss and agree on our way forward, even in the face of adversity. We don't do it for enjoyment, but never the less it is joyful and rewarding.

We have built over the year. I was delighted to host a Christmas Social on Tuesday evening, mulling over mulled wine and looking forward. Two and a half hours passed seemingly at the blink of an eye, and the gathering around the big dining table was vibrantly crowded - just short of running out of chairs.

Published Thursday, 14th December 2023

Homes for guests - rewarding and update

Times move on. Eighteen months ago, we helped with [Ukraininan People] who were seeking refuge. We are still helping - but the seesaw has naturally tipped an we are now living with [People from Ukraine]. It has move from helping massive numbers of people in similar crisis situations to helping people in different and often not such immediate but still crisis, and with everyone helping everyone else.

People - the main emphasis now - are all different. Many, most of our guests are well settled in and part of our community, sharing in day to day life, earning incomes where appropriate and contributing to our economy, paying our taxes, sharing cooking and cleaning, and so forth. For sure, life remains less planned and less predicted for our guests, here on visas that expier in 2025 (though there are chinks of light suggesting that we will not be asking for mass departures) and with family and friends asunder around the world. But some are now much more settled and, from now even having heard of Wiltshire before last year, and are able to make less panicked longer term plans - some settled in the area and other joining back up with others torn from each other last year and now regrouping. All people stuff, irrespective of nationallity.

There is still a trickle of people arriving - indeed, our original guests are have moved on from what was a temporary, medium term stay with us, and two further members of the family are with us now. And there's the big change - it's not Ukranians arriving to anywhere, but rather people arriving to somewhere they have links.

We have a loose network in north and west Wiltshire - a camradarie of people of both British and Ukrainian origin - and it's been and remains a real pleasure and remains so. The Melksham and Wiltshire spirit is incredible and, yes, we would do it all again.

And so I have one more for you. A mother and sons from Dnipro, a home / personal situation which is untennable and violent (mother and sons victims not perpetrators) and they have friends ad contacts within our area. "They are just wanting to get away from the war and the father . Chippenham is where their friend is but really anywhere would be amazing." I am restraining what I write (as been so often the case) - but this is a situation where I would love to help; we can't directly having multiple guests already - but could you? If so, please send me a mesage and I can start joining the links together. If you've done this before, you know the ups and perhaps some down, if not, there are many of us who have and not only will you be helping this family but you'll becoming part of such a wonderful local community.

Published Wednesday, 13th December 2023

Candidates announced - Melksham South by-election

Update - 20th December 2023, 23:00 There were two candidates for the byelection to be held on 18th January for a seat on Melksham Town council to represent the South Ward along with Jacqui Crundell, Jon Hubbard and myself. They are:
  *  Elson, Gillian Heather - "Local Conservatives"
  *  Griffin, Andrew Shaun - "Liberal Democrats"
I look forward to working alongside whoever is selected next month for the good of Melksham and its electorate; I know both candidates - not closely but well enough to know that each has a background that could bring really useful extra experience to The Council.

Original Article - Are YOU a potential Town Councillor

A Notice of Election has been published for the South Ward of Melksham Town Council, for a new Melksham Town Councillor to take the place of Colin Goodhind who resigned from the role recently. Nominations close on Tuesday of next week (19th December) with an election taking place if more than one candidate is nominated on 18th January 2024.

The new councillor will sit alongside Jacqui Crundell, Jon Hubbard and myself (Graham Ellis) representing the area show on the map - in summary, it's most of the Town Centre out as far as the Western Way (current bypass). Beyond Western Way is the neighbouring Parish of Melksham Without - not a part of the Town Council. To the east and north, the Town Council does include the wards of Melksham East, Melksham Forest and Melksham North and between all 15 councillors we work together (most of the time!) for the town. I look forward to working with whoever is elected. If you're a prospective candidate you only have a week to get your papers in - full details at

National Politics should (in my view) only have a limited bearing on who you (and I'm writing to voters here) choose as your councillor, and you should be very wary of selecting based on party. Across Melksham, we have some excellent councillors who have been elected on a party or co-operative group ticket, but who have also shown an independence in terms of voting for what they believe is best for their town rather than on party or group leader instruction. We also have others who have openly stated that they see these elections as practise for national polls to come next year, and others who have switched / joined parties to bolster their political prospects.

On one hand, I admire those working with a party because it shows a pragmatism to find an easier route to get elected and an ability to work as part of a team, On the other hand I fear that if we elect a party representative we run the risk of having national political views determining the future of the Assembly Hall, car parking matters, local playground provision and the like.

Let me raise another issue. "It's not possible to be elected as an independent" I am told. Hmmm - that comment defies the evidence, even here in Melksham South and from as recently as 2021. However, is it more likely you'll get in if you stand on a party or group ticket. I question, though, who your masters are if you you choose a rosette - be in red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange or magenta.

New topic - it's hard work being a Town Councillor. I have spoken with several people who I think would add significantly to our experience mix, but that does not mean that I would encourage them to stand. Contrary to what I was told before I stood, the public are typically lovely - yes, people will grumble at times but if as a councillor I explain why things are "that way" and perhaps advise how things might be changed or how they people can overcome their frustrations, they are happy. Mind you, human nature is such that "thank you"s especially to general activities are quite rare, and even personal answers and follow ups often to unacknowledged. It has been suggested to me that this is because people think that your town councillor is paid - which (s)he is definitely not.

The hard work, then, relates to the volume of work involved if you're going to do a conscientious job, the poor tools you're provided with to do them, and the robust and sometimes difficult interfacing with other members of the team, and the plethora of rules, regulations and restrictions. Who on earth would want to take this on? In all seriousness, it can be worthwhile and rewarding but you should go into it, if you wish, with open eyes.

I have spoken with people (with differing degrees of seriousness) about standing. I've not been sugar coating the role. Colin, Carl and Louisa have all left after very serious consideration of their positions and for good reason that they have given and a number of those of us remaining understand the pressures the role brings. All were excellent and committed councillors and indeed continue to be supportive of Melksham, perhaps with better effect (and happier) than when seated in the Council Chamber.

Published Monday, 11th December 2023

TransWilts Community Rail - 10 years on

It's ten years since the train service at Melksham stepped up from 2 trains each way per day to 8. Pictured here in 1994, a few years after it was re-opened and this summer (2023).

Melksham Passengers departing have risen from 4 a day before 2013 to an average of 104 in recent years with the new service in place an established, and journeys on the line (to, from, through) have risen from 18 thousand and quarter of a million.

As well as more service, the trains and platform are longer (and they need to be) and the service, though thin, now runs all day and every day, operated by a dedicated, professional and helpful staff to whom we say our thanks.

On the 10th Anniversary, let's remember local campaigners who are no longer with us - Gordon Dodge, John Money, and Peter and Margaret Blackburn, without whom we would not be where we are today. If they could look down, they will see a service and use proudly grown in line with their dreams, but still with a great deal to be done to bring it up from being a thin but appropriate service.

It would not have been possible without long term community campaigners such as :
Lee Fletcher, Phil McMullen and John Hamley who's dedication - well, I don't have the words to describe it. The Community Rail Partnership we formed has become the tool used by Paul Johnson who has tirelessly fought the unseen battle to get Wiltshire's rail service recognised and planned into the future of the area, and for towns such as Melksham the difference it's made is unmeasurable. And well set for the future with local plans. And a further shining light is Bob Morrison who transcends, with great tact and diplomacy, no little skill and a vast amount of time, often out on the line, with the day to day work of keeping the stations and line on track. A thank you too to county councillors such as Horace Prickett and Richard Gamble from various parts of Wiltshire who sit on the board, and to current Community Rail officer Sophie Martin who organises her teams to encourage newcomers to rail with schools, litter pickers, glee clubs, Christmas sales, days out by train and much more.

Without help over & above the call of duty from GWR management and Wilts Council officers, we would not be where we are today. Some wish to remain anonymous, others must, though on a day such as today may I pick out David Phillips and Jane Jones as representatives, in each case, of a whole army without whom this would not have been possible.

Politicians have played a key role too - especial thanks to Duncan Hames, Andrew Murrison, Michelle Donelan and Claire Perry, and those at National bodies such as ACoRP - Neil Buxton and Brian Barnsley. Stephen Joseph at the Campaign for Better Transport.

We have all crossed swords in our passion for the cause from time to time, yet the results are effective. When I interact with others in the UK, I come to realise how lucky we are here in Wiltshire.

A long list of names? Yes, a team effort by the area and the rail industry FOR the area. In local volunteers, I would also like to highlight Alan, Andrew, Anne, Bob, Brenda, Brendon, Bruce, Bryony, Carol, Catherine, Chris, Colin, Dan, David, Dawn, Duncan, Emma, Gail, Guy, Ian, James, Jane, Jenny, Joe, John, Judith, Justin, Kevin, Kulvinder, Lisa, Lucy, Marianne, Mark, MartyJon, Mary, Matt, Mike, Natacha, Neil, Nick, Nicki, Nigel, Nina, Peter, Phil, Reuben, Richard, Robin, Roger, Rosemary, Ruth, Sean, Sid, Simon, Sion, Stacey, Sylvia, Teresa, Tina, Tim, Tom, Tony, Tracey, Vicki, Wendy and William - over 60 names there, some shared and no doubt some overlooked. I don't have a master list but we heck of appreciate what you have done or do. any, many linked with the "Melksham Railway Development Group" which by virtue of success has been able to rename itself the USER group now that we have users!

Between us - if I may add my name into that illustrious mix - we have achieved a very great deal for the line and for the places it serves including Melksham. I would like to thank my local councils of Melksham Without, and Melksham Town for their support and indeed the mayor of Melksham has asked me to add his thanks and appreciation today too, and I am speaking on his behalf as well as my personal one.

So where are we now?

We are in the midst of a project. A massive amount has been achieved as we have move from moribund resource to a thin but useable (and used) provision. We have another decade of work to do. Perhaps in coming years - some of these things sooner rather than later - we will see:

* An appropriate train service - hourly rather than thin and infrequent

* Far better service reliability than we have seen of late, with the rail industry sorting out its problems with operation and governance, and better connections.

* Improved total journey connections - regular buses to and from the station in Melksham, and far more at Westbury and perhaps Chippenham.

* Better cycling and walking access to stations such as a northern entrance at Melksham reaching many residential areas without a long zigzag walk

* Housing, business and leisure facilities growing near the station. Planning has already passed for homes on the old up yard, and the Copper Tires site - 11 hectares which comes within 100 yards of the station - is cited for Brown Field development in the new Neighbourhood Plan. All of these plans, of course, protect the railway corridor to allow the line to redoubled when appropriate.

* Electrification of the line for heavy freight and passenger use, and continued adaption and adoption as we move forward in amongst the new world in which the climate emergency is at last being taken more seriously and will be ever more serious, but at the same time maintaining our mobility

* And finally a friendly face at the station with an encouragement to use the service rather than the sticks of penalty warning signs, an incomprehensible fare system, and a feeling at times of isolation that scare so many people away at the moment.

Ladies and Gentlemen, THANK YOU for what you have all done and I, and Melksham for whom I speak, look forward to working further with you in coming years. Personally in my role of running a business in Melksham, the railway made a massive difference once the service was improved in bringing our customers in and taking them home, and that's a difference far from unique to us. As the Transport Minister at the time - Derek Twigg - said to me on Radio 4 in the early days, "We can't run a service just for Mr Ellis". I agree - it's not just running for Mr Ellis - it's running for the businesses and residents of Melksham, and Trowbridge and Chippenham, and Westbury and Swindon. Now, and into the future.

Graham Ellis, 8th December 2023 or find me at or

This address, given at Westbury Station on 8th December 2023, is available as a .pdf file for download at I am very much around to help promote the appropriate provision and use of public transport from, to, in and through Melksham in the next decade as I have been in (and was before) the last decade.

Published Friday, 8th December 2023

TransWilts Community Rail - What now?

Last night, the Melksham Area Board of Wiltshire Council met at Semington Village Hall for a "Highways and Transport" special. A very, very rare opportunity to hear from the Director of Highways and Transport, and the council cabinet portfolio holder. Also from the chief of road maintenance and the representative of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Although the evening was largely concerned with (1) all about potholes, (2) speeding and enforcing speed limits and (3) the countryside outside of Melksham Town and was held in a village that meant that anyone attending had to come back by car, it was a useful evening. Public questions were dominated by questions from our Unitary councillors but not, thank goodness, to the exclusion of all others and written answers were promised to those of us who had put in formal written questions prior to the event.

It was an opportunity to meet the Director and explain worries about the future of the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. That's the organisation that was set up by around a dozen of us here in Melksham around 12 years ago to encourage appropriate use and regrowth of passenger services on the Swindon to Westbury railway line.

From around 3,000 passenger journeys per year in 2011 (that an average of 4 people a day arriving here by train), passenger numbers rose to 75,000 journeys per year (that's over 100 arriving here by train) by 2018. And it's not just Melksham - passenger numbers to, from and through rose from under 50 per day to nearly 700. Much of that was thanks to funding that allowed for an increase from 2 trains each way to 8, with an additional single carriage train shuttling up and down. Journey numbers of a quarter of a million were impressive, with the single carriage full, standing, and almost leaving people behind it was so busy.

2018 was a turning point. The single carriage train was replaced by a 2 or at times 3 carriage train, and the platform at Melksham was lengthened to allow for passengers to use more than a single door. It was also the year that I left my part time role as the Community Rail Officer, not my choice and to my regret. So what has happened since?

We have had Covid that decimated public transport use, though it has recovered pretty well across much of the UK; the TransWilts line is rather behind that curve due to some extent to the nature of the traffic carried and social changes

The Community Rail Partnership, formed and directed by local community members in towns along the line, is now directed by Conservative Wiltshire Councillor (3 current, 1 retires, 1 wannabe) none of whom represent any station on the line, and two professional directors (one rail industry, one financial) who live outside the county. The Community Rail Officer who was recruited to replace me no longer lives on the line. The partnership is totally changed from its foundation - al originals are gone, and it's moved from being a community based organisation via "designation" with the Department for Transport to "Accredited" status which means a dozen policies and sets of rules and official lines to tow in return for funding; turnover up from a few thousand a year to (in some years) quarter of a million pounds, with projects such as the "White Horse Room" at Westbury Station and the Hub at Melksham Station, neither of which (in my reading of it) as made a significant difference to passenger numbers, but then perhaps that was not the intent. Community Rail (official) has move on from a primary motivation of increasing passenger numbers on thinly used lines to a social vehicle to use the railway to help people in our society who need help and engagement, and to do providing that help using the railway as a tool for doing so.

The new Community Rail Officer has, to the best of my knowledge, engaged with the people and groups in the new metric - I see her online from time to time in that new role. It's so different to what I was doing up to 2018 that I cannot really pass much comment on the outcome against the new objectives.

The former chair, who retired this summer, has done an excellent job of getting the line and service visible in future planning and on the radar, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for that. May be build on that - long work that's not necessarily appreciated at the time but sets us in good stead.

I also need, must and want - to add credit here to the "Friends Secretary" who has been doing so much for the immediate traffic and newsletters from his base in Swindon but present all along the line, to the friends of Chippenham Station, the Melksham Transport User Group and to the West Wiltshire Rail User Group for Trowbridge and Westbury support.

So where are we in 2023? After 5 years of growth from 2013 to 2018, passenger numbers have stagnated. After Community Rail being so visible on the trains in those 5 years, it's scarcely been seen and with the passing of the remaining active director in Melksham, and the retirement of the chair from Chippenham and his move away from the area, the question has be be asked "what next?" for the partnership. None of the seven directors appears to be dedicating the time that's needed to manage it in, and the question comes "is a major change needed". The CRP has been unable to find a new chair and (as I understand it) has looked internally, locally, and has been using an agency to help too. I have mirrored the job description - from May 2023 - at

I have no answers here; I am conscious that I have not personally been approached or invited to assist, and am probably not considered to fit the "Possess qualities of tact and diplomacy" requirement, having been very much more of a campaigner for all these years which at times has needed me to be a ***** nuisance. But I am available (and would like) to help.

Things have changed for me since 2018 too - I am now retired, I have more experience in public and local council affairs, and perhaps I have mellowed too and have more time. Some things have not changed; I remain committed to appropriate public transport provision and support in and beyond Wiltshire, and I retain an enthusiasm to help bolster its success. Whether the right tool for that is the Community Rail Partnership I was a founder member of is an open question at the moment.

Illustration - a train for Melksham, Trowbridge and Westbury calls at Chippenham

Published Thursday, 7th December 2023

Thank you for voting Graham Ellis onto Melksham Town Council

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