Graham Ellis - my blog
Online answer questions, every 4 days.
Updated link at the base of this page - joining details for 4th May 2021
Starting on 10th April 2021 AT 18:30 (that's a day after we know all who's standing for Town Council) and every four days, I'll be online ... ready, willing and able to chat via Zoom about any issues you like in relation to my standing for Town Council (South Ward). That's an opportunity for YOU to tell me your thoughts, and to understand where I am coming from.
As an independent candidate, I have more to tell you than most. Although I have been living in Melksham for 20 years and have a lot of community background, there is no current or recent political party position to tell you about me, so I have much more new to tell you than many others. my about me page and my philosophy and views pages tell you more - but why not come along to one of these Zoom sessions and have a chat?
I am delivering leaflets, but I am not knocking uninvited on doors to canvass you. Although it's now legal again (has been since 8th March) to cold call for this purpose, many people feel that it's an unnecessary risk as we come out (but are not fully out) of Coronavirus restrictions, and many more simply don't like being disturbed at their door by someone looking for their vote. I respect those views - however, I am more than happy to speak on the phone or online, to call round by appointment to speak with you (needs to be in the garden) or to invite you to pop round to my home in the heart of the ward on Spa Road, and speak in the garden here.
You'll often hear people say "(s)he was around all the time when (s)he wanted my vote, but now that (s)he is elected, we never see (him/her)". You may say that of me, too, in the future - you'll see me less, but it will never be never. Once elected, energy moves from campaigning for permission to do the job to actually doing the job. And doing the job still involves listening and communicating both ways, but more targetted to individuals and groups rather than bulk publicity. So the Zoom sessions every 4 days will run up until the election; thereafter (if elected), I'll set them up so you can reach me every month but make sure that I'm reachable, anyway, by other means / at other times too.
Graham Ellis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Graham Ellis - Independent candidate for Melksham South Ward
Topic: Ask the candidate
Time: May 4 2021 06:30 PM London
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Published Friday, 9th April 2021
As an independent candidate, I have more to tell you than most. Although I have been living in Melksham for 20 years and have a lot of community background, there is no current or recent political party position to tell you about me, so I have much more new to tell you than many others. my about me page and my philosophy and views pages tell you more - but why not come along to one of these Zoom sessions and have a chat?

You'll often hear people say "(s)he was around all the time when (s)he wanted my vote, but now that (s)he is elected, we never see (him/her)". You may say that of me, too, in the future - you'll see me less, but it will never be never. Once elected, energy moves from campaigning for permission to do the job to actually doing the job. And doing the job still involves listening and communicating both ways, but more targetted to individuals and groups rather than bulk publicity. So the Zoom sessions every 4 days will run up until the election; thereafter (if elected), I'll set them up so you can reach me every month but make sure that I'm reachable, anyway, by other means / at other times too.
Next Zoom meeting
I have selected every four days to ensure I'm around once on every day of the week before the election. If no-one's around, I'll stick there for half an hour - come on, unmute yourself and shout "hello"; if you're the only visitor, I may be working in another window!Graham Ellis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Graham Ellis - Independent candidate for Melksham South Ward
Topic: Ask the candidate
Time: May 4 2021 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 7110 3560
Passcode: 032143
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+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 854 7110 3560
Passcode: 032143
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Making it walkable to the station - saving lifts and driving

So what? Typically people (and that includes your neighbours and yourself) will walk 15 minutes (source - via Mendip Council) to a railway station on a regular basis ... about a half of that to a bus stop. So via that 10 minute route that I classify as unsafe, this part of Melksham (South) illustrated is the sort of place well set for a more carbon friendly future, where people will comfortably travel around without taking a car every time; no more need for Mum's taxi to be called on for every outing, and perhaps no need for that second car just to sit in some car park all day while Mum / Dad is at work.

Published Thursday, 8th April 2021
From 2 empty trains to 9 busy ones. Next, buses!

We are also headed towards a major uplift - of the same sort - on buses. I'll write that up another day ... been a long day today with one thing and another. Please vote Graham Ellis for Melksham Town Council on 6th May 2021 - from the Town Hall, I can represent the local needs of an appropriate and effective bus service strongly - as I did with the trains - with the prospect of a result that works for YOU.
See also where our team is working with the Government's Bus Back Better strategy (announced 15.3.2021) to bring in funded modernisation into s system fit for the decade ahead - buses going when and where you want, with understandable timetables and affordable fares, using clean vehicles of quality with well provided infrastructure
Published Wednesday, 7th April 2021
Campaigning in partnership, and with passion, for Melksham

First picture today - my national award from the Sheila McKechnie Foundation. Sheila McKechnie was the dynamo behind Shelter, and the Consumer's Association (Which? magazine). Sheila passed away in 2004 (tragically young), but today the foundation in her name champions, supports and trains those campaigning for "a confident and powerful civil society in which people work together to drive change". The award was not expected - and is made all the more precious because it's an award to campaigners by other (professional) campaigners who looked at all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make a positive difference. Big event - presentation at the House of Lords (well, it was supposed to be, but got moved because of the Westminster terror attack a few days before).
In Melksham, I am known for my help (when all seemed lost) to get an "appropriate" train service back. The joke a decade ago was that we had two trains a day - and they were too early, and too late to be of any real use. Miss the 06:15 from Swindon and the next train was 18:44. We have gotten back to a train every couple of hours - still a poor service ("appropriate" would be hourly) but passenger numbers have risen from 3,000 journeys per annum to 75,000. I was one of the founders of the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership - a move from protest (where we had to start) to partnership and I remain active in encouraging further development to that appropriate service, which (various sources agree) will take passenger journeys up to in excess of 250,000 per annum, even CoVID setback allowing. I am no longer a director or Community Rail Officer; in the summer of 2018, TransWilts moved on with a board on which every member has local government experience, and a professionally trained Community Rail Officer to replace me, and (see above) I offer them full credit for the Melksham Hub Cafe, cycle hire, and car park changes. They are also doing a good job for Corsham, Wilton, Devizes and other rail aspirations. I do remain active in promoting rail use to, from and through Melksham with the pure-volunteer Melksham Rail User Group (and we get listened to where it matters ;-) ) and I am available to TransWilts as a volunteer.

On local buses, I will claim credit for the bus meeting at Canberra on Spa Road just more than a year ago, helping to voice local opinion as to the most appropriate Bath - Melksham - Devizes service for the future as First pulled out. Whether there was a real danger of us losing evening and Sunday buses, I know not, but the outcome of the work by Wilts Council and Faresaver was their retention ... which was what we wanted, and was not what happened when First pulled off the Chippenham - Melksham - Trowbridge route a few years earlier, leaving the last bus back from Chippenham at around 17:30 rather than 22:16. To this day, that route has no Sunday service, though it has had it in the past.

You'll see in my election leaflet that I attended both the climate protest in Bristol in February last year, and the Black Lives Matter event organised locally here in Melksham - indeed in the South Ward - in June. I believe, passionately, in looking after our planet to pass it on in good sustainable shape to our children and grandchildren, and also in levelling up the playing field of life for everyone irrespective of ability, gender, age, colour, politics, creed, views or other differences. These are national and indeed global issues as well as Melksham ones - but I will put my heart into promoting them, and indeed following them through not just in word but in deed. Some voters may be put off by these views; I understand that. I am not going to promote myself to the ageists and racists we have in our community by hiding those views. But I will talk with you and show you what a wonderful community we have here, strengthened by its diversity.
Published Tuesday, 6th April 2021
Rubbish bins - do we need even more?

Expensive mistakes can be made by not thinking ongoing financing through. When I was involved with TransWilts, we had a four stage plan:
1. Make people aware that there was a case to look at for change
2. Work out what was really needed - appropriate
3. Implement that plan - gain what we need and here is the biggie
4. Work and work again to improve and retain.
And it really worked because we had the promise of how the service could be retained - and it was - via the GWR franchise. Safe now, but the team that took over the TransWilts CRP is still working - and so am I with the Melksham Rail User Group, TravelWatch SouthWest and others.
Let's sort out rubbish bins, yes please, but not with a legacy of provision than costs us dear for the next decade.
Published Monday, 5th April 2021
Melksham Town Centre
* The part of the country we're in
* The relative lack of big chains
* More residents - the growth of our town
* Excellent local work helping to promote the time.
Most of the premises I counted are in the South Ward - 119 of them, with 36 in The Forest and 14 in The North. From an election viewpoint, that defines who (of those who live on site) are potential voters. From a later viewpoint, a thriving town centre is for everyone in the town and the whole council should (and does) work together and with partners for the good of the town as a whole, and I will be a part of that.
We have seen a move over the years from a dominance of supplier to service outlets. We have two butchers, but the only bakers that remain are within other stores, and there are no dedicated candlestick makers. On the other hand, where once the only place to take a hot meal away was the chippy, there are now over a dozen.
People ask for / hanker for other shops - a greengrocer, a shoe shop, a fishmonger perhaps. Whilst I too would love to see these and others, I fear that people would like to see them in the town, but use them so little that they wouldn't survive, to the pain of the people who set them up. There will be exceptional cases such as those with wider business plans such as having a walk in shop front and a symbiotic delivery / mail order / production business. Counter sales while working in the back is a good model. In my former role as President of the Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry I supported such businesses, and continue to do so.
Takeaways, Cafes, Pubs and restaurants bring people into the town - and business and life in too (writing for th long term - we are in odd CoVID times as I write) and people vote with their feet to use them. Competition is healthy; we could do with just a bit more variety at times, and we need to be aware of the effects on neighbours of late night venues, places selling alcohol, and places that bring in a lot of short-stop (pickup) car traffic, and litter. People do complain about "too many" but it's my reading that the real issues there are the taking of premesies which could be used for other outlets they want (but there are 10 more available!) and the neighbour effects (which can be handled).
Please vote for me - Graham Ellis, Independent, Melksham Town (South Ward) for town council on 6th May. To support a safe, happy, vibrant town centre.
Please bookmark or come back to this page as I will be adding something which may be of interest every day
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Illustrations - two (random) Melksham shop fronts, 3 April 2021
Published Sunday, 4th April 2021
An Introduction to Graham Ellis

Please get in touch - contact details at .
Please tell others about my campaign and share these pages.
Please vote for me - Graham Ellis, Independent, Melksham Town (South Ward) on 6th May.
Illustration - Promoting Melksham at London (Waterloo) - Community Rail in the City - May 2017
Published Friday, 2nd April 2021
Four in a Bed

We visited "Knock Castle" in Crieff, Scotland. We visited "Barton House Hotel" in Blackpool. We hosted. And finally we visited "Applewood Gamping" near Worcester. In payment terms, we came second to Knock Castle. But in our view, almost everyone was a winner and we made many good friends.

Melksham is, very much, a town we are proud of. It was a delight over more than a decade to welcome people to our place on Spa Road (where we now live). All those early morning breakfasts (we were open 365 days a year) made a pleasure by the lovely people who stayed, and we had a fabulous team of people on staff. Don't let anyone tell you that the youngsters of today are [critical word]; they're not - they could (and did) do the job better than I, and handle any and every curved ball customer serice threw at them.
Published Thursday, 1st April 2021
Restoring old buildings

The main reception floor at 404 was fitted out as our IT training centre, and from the summer of 2000 we ran specialist IT training course there - four to eight delegates at a time, coming from different companies far and wide across the UK and sometimes beyond. Such were our topics that delegates were always keen to learn, always bright, and interesting people too - we make some really good, and extraordinary, friends. We also got to know Melksham and the area really well - businesses in town, places to take people of an evening (not part of the course - done for pleasure).

Two training rooms - one more than we really needed - and the smaller room became a "Museum for Melksham", also known as "The Well House Collection". A winding down over the last couple of years; the museum is now in the larger room (open on request and undergoing re-arrangement this year) and the smaller room now my Zoom Studio - happy to have people around as the rules allow (writing during Coronavirus) but, please, by appointment as retirement has turned out not to be the quiet time we expected!
Published Wednesday, 31st March 2021